VAG Reference Projects

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Drinking water supply in Santiago de Chile

The capital of Chile, with its population of over six million people, faces an enormous demand of…

Fire water supply at Frankfurt Airport, Germany

The complete fire-fighting system of Frankfurt Airport is to be modernised within the next few years…

Geothermal energy in Pullach

What is geothermal energy? The term originates from Greek “geo”, meaning Earth, and “thermos”, which…

Harbin-Mopanshan Water Supply Pipeline

To be able to control the water pressure and the flow rate over the entire distance and to…

Hydro Power Station Luji

The Luji power plant is located on the Pudu River in China‘s Yunnan Province. The plant supplies…

Liaoning Da Huo Fang Water Reservoir

To ensure uninterrupted water supply, the customer required control valves able to adapt…

Life-saving freedom from maintenance

Last year, the fire brigade of the city of Neulussheim located in the Rhine-Neckar district changed…

Metal Seated Ball Valves at a raw water pump station

Lake Lanier — formed by Buford Dam holding the Chattahoochee and Chestatee Rivers in northern…

Modernisation of metro water supply Boston

General Background: From 1939 to 2003, millions of metro Boston residents relied on the Hultman…

Municipality Adelsdorf modernises waterworks

Forty seven VAG CEREX® 300 Butterfly Valves and 100 per cent own effort put into automation of…

Nechranice Dam

Until 2011 two control valves were in service in the Nechranice hydropower plant. However, these…

New Valves for San Diego's Water Supply System

San Diego, the eighth largest city in the United States, is situated on the southern tip of…

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