Country: China
Customer: Province Liaoning
Products: 9 x VAG Plunger Valves DN 1600 PN 10; 5 x VAG Plunger Valves DN 1400 PN 10; 2 x VAG Plunger Valves DN 1200 PN 10; 2 x VAG Plunger Valves DN 1000 PN 10; 1 x VAG Plunger Valves DN 800 PN 10
The „Da Huo Fang“ reservoir near the city of Fu Shun supplies drinking water for six cities in the Chinese province of Liaoning. The water of the lake is transported via gravity lines over a
distance of 238 km to the various cities.
To ensure uninterrupted water supply, the customer required control valves able to adapt automatically to the variable water levels of the lake while the water supply project was in its planning stage.
When the level in the reservoir is low, the water pressure in the pipeline drops. In this case the plunger valve must open wider to compensate the lower water pressure and to keep the flow rate at a constant level. A rising water level with increasing pressure in the pipeline must be compensated by the targeted closing of the valve.
The valves are opened and closed via an
automatic control unit which captures the water pressure and opens or closes the control valves on demand.
Carl-Reuther-Str. 1
68305 Mannheim
Phone: +49 (621) 749 0
Fax: +49 (621) 749 2156
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