Dr. Raúl Trujillo Álvarez
Regional Sales Director Latin America

MAINTAIN COMPOSURE, MAINTAIN CONTROL: “When forced, as it seems, by circumstances into utter confusion, get a hold of yourself quickly. Don’t be locked out of the rhythm any longer than necessary. You’ll be able to keep the beat if you are constantly returning to it.” [Marcus Aurelius, Meditations]
Why do you think that VAG is a team consisting of valve experts? What makes VAG so special to you?
- VAG has a team of managers, consult engineers, and technicians with a lot of experience and knowledge in the production, marketing, technical support, and installation of valves. VAG products have a strong value proposition and solve real problems.
- VAG products are understandable to users, and when they are installed, they become more difficult to replace with other brands the more they are used, thanks to their quality and useful life.
What makes you a valve expert? Are you proud of being part of the team?
I am grateful for the challenges that VAG has placed on me, and this opportunity has allowed me to apply and expand my experience in the hydraulic calculation of control valves, modeling, optimization, water loss reduction, and data analytics for water distribution networks. I have studies (Ph.D. Civil Engineer) and extensive experience in hydraulic teaching, hydraulic consulting, and sales. I also have a vast knowledge of the region where I am the sales director (LATAM).
Tell us your (best) story in connection with VAG .
My best stories within VAG are consulting projects to reduce the water losses in aqueduct networks in Yemen, Burkina Faso, Palestine, Jordan, Saint Lucia, Namibia, and Peru. These projects have had an important social and self-learning component rather than an economic one.