Pressure surge calculations
Pressure change: Safety that can be calculated
Excessively high pressure surges in pipelines can cause considerable damage to your supply system as well as individual system components such as valves, pumps and foundations. The horror scenario: a burst pipe. In drinking water pipes a pressure surge and the subsequent vacuum can cause dirty water to be drawn in. To avoid these cases, VAG Consulting offers a pressure surge calculation service.
First of all: Pressure surges in a valve-controlled flow are basically unavoidable. Only an interminably long closing time prevents pressure surges from occurring at all. So, to what extent does the fast closing of a stop valve cause an excessively high-pressure surge? And how can high-quality valves reduce this pressure? The VAG Group’s consulting team uses substantiated findings from the pressure surge simulation to optimise your plant or pipeline system. The pressure surge calculation can thus be used to assess and improve plant safety.