
DIN - Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (NAA)
DIN - German Institute for Standardization e.V. (NAA)

DIN is a registered non-profit association whose headquarters are in Berlin (DIN German Institute for Standardization e.V., established 1917). In June 1975, DIN was recognised by the German government as the national standards body. DIN represents German interests in international and European standardisation organisations.

DIN e.V.

GSK - Gütegemeinschaft schwerer Korrosionsschutz
GSK – European Quality Association for the Heavy Duty Corrosion Protection of Powder Coated Valves and Fittings e.V.

GSK, the European Quality Association for the Heavy Duty Corrosion Protection of Powder Coated Valves and Fittings e.V., was established to meet the increasing quality requirements for pipeline networks in all European countries. Today, the associations members include leading European valve and epoxy resin manufacturers.

GSK e.V.

VGB - Verband der Grosskessel-Besitzer
VGB – Association of electricity and heat generating companies

VGB is the association of electricity and heat generating companies, a voluntary non-profit association of power plant manufacturers and operators.


DVGW / DELIWA - German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water e.V.
DVGW / DELIWA - German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water e.V.

The purpose of the association is to advance the gas and water sector technically and scientifically with a particular focus on safety, hygiene and environmental issues.


DWA - German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste e.V.
DWA - German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste e.V.

The German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste, DWA, is the representative for all water-related issues and is the driving force behind the development of a safe and sustainable water management. As a politically and economically independent organisation, the association is active in the area of water, wastewater, waste and soil conservation.

DWA e.V.

IHK Rhein-Neckar
IHK - Chamber of Commerce, Rhein-Neckar

The Chamber of Commerce represents the interests of the industry towards the state and policy makers. The Chamber takes a stand on economic topics and provides information about small and mid-sized businesses, employment and economic activity.

IHK- Rhein-Neckar

IHK Dresden
IHK - Chamber of Commerce, Dresden

Under the motto 'active for the economy and the region', Dresden's Chamber of Commerce has a business-oriented regional development policy that focuses on creating and maintaining optimal conditions for economic activity. To achieve its goals, the Chamber uses its potential as industry representative and, within the framework of the Chamber's interests, as the representative of public interests.


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