Project and design support
In the preliminary project stage: Wishes and feasibility in a nutshell

One of the biggest challenges that face our consulting team is the reconcilability of wishes and implementation with regard to a planned construction project or the optimisation of existing plants. We listen and advise intensively in order to understand your requirements and to determine the ideal valve solution for your project on the basis of the conditions on-site and the technical possibilities. We also calculate existing plants from start to finish for you so that we can propose economical alternatives with which you will be better equipped for the future.
Nowhere is too far for us: From hydroelectric power plant to water supply to wastewater management – our teams also take adventurous journeys and impassable terrain upon themselves to offer you the best possible valve installation. To do that, we’ll even fly around 18,000 km to the other side of the world, plus a further 320 kilometres by car and three kilometres on foot – as we did for our project on Lake Margaret in the Tasmanian outback. Challenge us – we’ll be glad to accept.