País: Alemania
Cliente: Fraport AG
Producto: VAG NOVA Standpost Hydrants
The complete fire-fighting system of Frankfurt Airport is to be modernised within the next few years using the most powerful standpost hydrants made by VAG. The future-orientated technology of the hydrants will also serve in the supply of such important new buildings as Terminal 3 right from the start. The VAG NOVA Standpost Hydrant in dimension DN 150, which is unique in the market and has been designed especially for the protection of modern and sensitive industrial plants and infrastructure systems, will be found in all places where maximum safety and top performance are an issue. Over 26 hydrants are already in service on the site of Germany’s largest factory building – the Airbus 380 hangar.
With over 52 million passengers, Frankfurt Airport is Germany’s largest and busiest airport, and number 8 world-wide for passenger flights and number 7 in airfreight volume. As Frankfurt Airport also handles 2 million tons of goods per year, this results in a total of about 490,000 fl ights per year. Or 82 take-offs and touchdowns per hour.
It comes as no surprise that at this busy airport only the strictest fire regulations can ensure the safety of passengers and equipment alike on a site where space is limited. And so 768 hydrants guarantee fire water supply precisely where it is needed on the entire airport site even under the most severe conditions. Special hydrants with a very high volumetric flow rate meet safety and performance requirements while they ensure maximum safety of use. According to statutory requirements exactly 3200 litres per minute must be available for each of the 768 hydrants. The pressure in the fire-fighting pipelines must never fall below 3.5 bar – a real challenge for each hydrant and for the water supply system it is connected to.
During the first tests performed on the Frankfurt Airport site the VAG NOVA Standpost Hydrant DN 150 proved its uncompromising top performance as it was specially designed to meet even the highest demands in fire-fighting technology and state-of-the-art fire engines. The requirements as to technology and user-friendliness typical of modern industrial plants and infrastructure systems were implemented meeting the standards and in close co-operation with the operator. The top performer of the VAG NOVA Standpost Hydrant series allows maximum flow rates and provides innovative functions while it is very easy to operate and very safe. With its NOVA Standpost Hydrant DN 150, VAG-Armaturen GmbH guarantees that the applicable regulations are implemented in the customer’s best interest – and that this had been achieved was also fully confi rmed by TÜV Hessen and Fraport AG.
The acceptance test on site and further laboratory tests showed the excellence of the VAG NOVA Standpost Hydrant DN 150 in all respects. What its developers are proud of is also a triple benefit for Fraport AG: maximum fire-water volume, extremely easy operation and the greatest possible safety along with the wellknown VAG quality and the durability of its products. VAG’s use of highgrade materials and coating technologies ensures maximum corrosion protection and a very long service life. And so there is virtually no alternative to the VAG NOVA Standpost Hydrant DN 150 in an emergency where only the best is good enough. The proven VAG NOVA Hydrant technology and the real DN 150 model offer flow rates and performance which are unique in the market today for the applications and fire-fighting methods of tomorrow.
When Fraport AG was in the contract awarding stage of this project which was to be completed within several years, the company focused on product quality, safety and durability. As a solution provider with outstanding service VAG was able to prove its excellence in fire water supply solutions with the NOVA Standpost Hydrant DN 150. VAG’s goal to obtain the prestigious Fraport contract thanks to its innovative products was achieved in its entirety.
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