Our ESG Program

► What characterizes our ESG program?
► What are the main elements?
► What are the main goals?
Read here to learn more...
Main targets:
- Zero accidents in all VAG entities
- Securing access to fresh water and proper wastewater treatment for humanity
- Support the global energy transformation
- VAG as a reliable, sustainable partner with 100% integrity worldwide
For more than 150 years, VAG is supporting customers around the world with products and services for water, wastewater and hydropower applications. As such, VAG plays an important role in contributing to the clean water and clean energy Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) established by the United Nations as well as to the sustainable use and protection of water, an environmental objective under the EU Taxonomy Regulation.
In 2019, VAG partnered with the renowned international law firm Baker McKenzie to replace the previous compliance setup by a comprehensive Compliance Management System (CMS), tailored to the risk exposure of VAG Group. With a view to international standards and guidelines (e. g. German law, U.S. FCPA, UK Bribery Act, ISO 37001), VAG Group updated its existing policies and procedures in the areas of anti-corruption (including third party due diligence), anti-trust, anti-money laundering, data-privacy, conflicts of interest and whistleblowing. At the same time, VAG improved its Governance structure in conjunction with the adaptation of its CMS.
As VAG is determined to further drive Environmental, Social & Governance topics around the globe (ESG), we decided to also address Environmental and Social initiatives systematically and holistically. As of today, VAG conducted a comprehensive risk assessment in these fields and has defined an initial set of goals, such as ISO 45001 (Health & Safety) and ISO 14001 (Environmental) certifications for all its manufacturing sites, and initiatives to specifically address our carbon footprint.
Another strong focus is on workplace safety. VAG is committed to reduce work accidents to 0 as our ultimate target. To achieve this, a system was implemented to thoroughly address safety concerns in all our sites worldwide. In 2022, VAG was able to significantly reduce work accidents from previous levels.
Serving green industries► Hydropower
► Wastewater treatment
Focus on green products► Long lifetime
► Energy-saving design
Use of renewable electricity at VAG Sites
Employee Health & Safety
Data Protection & Privacy
VAG products support access to fresh water and flood protection globally
Business Ethics & Integrity
ESG management