Made from one casting! But which one?

This question is asked very often by customers and we should have a competent answer ready, as we usually supply GGG40 and the customer often thinks that 50 is more than 40 and that GGG50 must consequently be better.
We often discuss this question with our customers. Sometimes they assume that GGG-50 is the better choice. But this is not the case.
We operate our own foundry and have been developing cast fittings for 150 years - we know first-hand what we are talking about!
Ductile iron grades such as GGG-40 (ENGJS-400-15) or GGG-50 (EN-GJS-500-7) are mainly used in the manufacture of valves for water and wastewater applications. GGG-50 (EN-GJS-500-7) has a higher tensile strength and therefore is suitable for applications with a high static pressure. GGG-40 (EN-GJS-400-15) is resistant to deformation and clearly the better choice for applications with dynamic forces. GGG-40.3 (EN-GJS-400-18-LT) has a higher impact strength and is also suitable for heavy elongation. It can also be used in very low temperatures. Furthermore, GGG-40 is approved for nominal pressures up to 100 bar according to the German regulations (AD Merkblatt W 3/2), whereas GGG-50 is only approved up to a maximum of 63 bar.
Questions about the choice of material for your application? Write to our product management: