55th IWWA Annual Convention in Pune, Maharashtra

The Valve Experts from VAG India have been an active participant in IWWA since more than 10 years and now participated at the 55th IWWA (Indian Water Works Association) Annual Convention in Pune, Maharashtra.
VAG’s expo stall was visited by all major department officials to name Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran, Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Tamil Nadu Water Board, Hyderabad Metro Water, MPUDC, and other significant department officials of Public Health, Municipal Water, and Panchayat. Even several contractors, traders, and vendors came to the fair and informed about our solutions. All visitors were quite pleased with the quality, longevity, and level of service presented by VAG.
A working demo model of a RIKO Plunger Valve with HYsec attracted a large audience followed by the impressive EKN-H.